About Framtec
Framtec designs and develops machinery for green sorting & dry grading lines as well as stackers both for kiln packages and for transport packages. One of our main activities is re-build of existing lines but we can also handle major projects such as comlete stackers and grading lines.
Our target is to provide the sawmill industry highly automated and reliable products that in an efficient and safe way increases our customers productivity. Safety in combination with productivity influences all our activities.
There is no secret that the TongLoader® has been, and still is, our main product and that TongLoader® is a statement in the sawmill business. This is something that we are proud of and in order to maintain that confidence we constantly improves and develops the Tongloader® to make it even better in fulfilling our customers expectations.
As a customer you can buy the Tongloader®, and also our other equipment, directly from us or from a competitior since we also can deliver via them and have cooperation with most of Europes manufacturers. In beginning of April 2017 we have sold a total of over 200 TongLoaders in Europe and is represented in most European countries as well as in South Africa and Australia.
Framtec is based in Nora, surrounded by miles after miles with forest where sawmilling has tradition since the Middle Ages. It is also here the TongLoader® is designed, developed and manufactured as well as most of Framtec’s other machinery.
Framtec AB has a long tradition in its heritage from CHEJ i Nora AB and has conducted its business in its present form since year 2000. The founders of Framtec, Mr. Bertil Flodman and Mr. Sven-Olov Carlsson carried on until 2008 when the company was sold to Catech AB. When Catech went bancrupt in 2010 it also affected Framtec i Nora AB that was restarted as Nya Framtec AB in November 2010. The new founders was again Mr Flodman and Mr. Carlsson as well as Mr. Per Gunnar Ekman and Mr. Stefan Berggren. Today (2017) Framtec AB is conducted by Mr. PG Ekman and Mr. Rickard Karlsson in the same spirit as the original founders – as an independent, minor and flexible company.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a EU regulation from 2018, may 25.
Read about how how we process personal data